The Half of It, which premiered on May 1, follows a Chinese-American teenager named Ellie Chu who makes money by writing essays for her classmates. One day, a student named Paul asks Ellie to finish the love letter he wrote to his crush. But when Ellie reads the name on the note, she realizes that the girl Paul is secretly in love with is the same girl she’s secretly in love with as well. So begins a Cyrano de Bergerac-like tale where Ellie helps Paul woo the same girl she also has a crush on. If you can’t tell by now, The Half of It is a love story between two teenage girls.
Best Gay Movies on Netflix : Our top 10 Call me by your name Sony Pictures Classics. We won’t spoil the ending, but we can promise you that the film is a fresh take on an old genre: the teen rom com. Two movies named The Call came out in 2020. Based on a 1997 short story by Annie Proulx, this Oscar-winning romance between two cowboys brought gay romantic love into the mainstream in a huge way. Watch the South Korean one, a time travel thriller revolving around, yep, a phone call.ĩ9.5K subscribers The Boys in the band Netflix. Twenty-eight-year-old Seo-yeon finds a phone buried in a closet.